Through our MFL provision, we aim for all children to develop a genuine interest and positive curiosity about foreign languages- in particular Spanish, find them enjoyable and stimulating. Learning this additional language will also offer pupils the opportunity to explore relationships between language and identity, develop a deeper understanding of other cultures and the world around them with a better awareness of self, others and cultural differences. The intention is that they will be working towards becoming life-long language learners.
How MFL is taught at EWPA
We use the 'Language Angels' scheme of work and resources to ensure we offer a relevant, broad, vibrant and ambitious foreign languages curriculum that will inspire and excite our pupils using a wide variety of topics and themes.
All content is continuously updated and reviewed annually, creating a dynamic programme of study that ensures the foreign language knowledge of our pupils progresses within each academic year, throughout Key Stage 2. The programme is relevant and provision is in line with the DfE National Curriculum requirements.