Our Vision

The vision of GROW is at the heart of everything that we do in our school. It is our aspiration that every stakeholder has the opportunity to flourish and grow within our happy and successful school.

GRow with character

In our school, we want everyone to grow their:

  • Mindset
  • Knowledge
  • Wellbeing
  • Character

Through Picture1 and our 3 simple expectations - Be Ready, Be Safe and Be Respectful, we encourage, support and nurture our children to be fearless learners, positive citizens and healthy, happy individuals.


Our Values 

Alongside Picture1we have our four 'C's:

Mind                     Knowledge                    Wellbeing                   Character

COURAGE                 CURIOSITY                       CARE                  COMPASSION

These are our 4 key values that drive each of the 4 areas we want our children to grow within.